Deardorff Stable headed to Kentucky to compete at three shows this summer. We started at The Shelbyville Horse Show, then on to the Boone County Fair and ended at the World Championship Horse Show at the Kentucky State Fair. Six horses and riders made the trek: Hubris and Karen Lachman, All About It and Britt Frome, Doubletrees Fire Queen and Breanne Webberley, Pinnacles So Lovely and Hayley Pullen, CH-EQ Oakwood's Sonata and Sophia Busse and Casablanca's Fortune Teller and Faith Copenhaver. The trip was a huge success and everyone had the time of their lives at all the shows, but especially getting to show on the green shavings for the first time. We want to give a huge thank you to Nancy Trent for her hospitality during our stay!